Caroline Uhler
Caroline Uhler joined the MIT faculty in 2015 and is currently the Henry L. and Grace Doherty associate professor in EECS (Electrical Engineering & Computer Science) and IDSS (Institute for Data, Systems and Society). She is a member of LIDS (Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems), the Center for Statistics, Machine Learning at MIT, and the ORC (Operations Research Center).
She holds an MSc in mathematics, a BSc in biology, and an MEd in mathematics education from the University of Zurich, and a PhD in statistics from UC Berkeley. Before joining MIT, she spent a semester in the “Big Data” program at the Simons Institute at UC Berkeley, postdoctoral positions at the IMA and at ETH Zurich, and 3 years as an assistant professor at IST Austria.
She is an elected member of the International Statistical Institute and a recipient of the Sloan Research Fellowship, an NSF Career Award, a Sofja Kovalevskaja Award from the Humboldt Foundation, and a START Award from the Austrian Science Foundation.
Her research focuses on mathematical statistics and computational biology, in particular on graphical models, causal inference and algebraic statistics, and on applications to learning gene regulatory networks and the development of geometric models for the organization of chromosomes.